Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Good article #1 - U.S. Election; A big and important upcoming event for all

On Thursday, September 8, 2016, the BBC published an article titled 

US election: Six times Clinton or Trump messed up. 


    The upcoming presidential election is a big event and a significant issue of the United States, for the event will affects to America's future largely. Thus, people are necessary to pay attention to the candidates' movement carefully. The more Americans are informed about the candidates, the better they can determine who is the most competent candidate who can lead Americans to the stability and prosperity of America. In this regard, this article is worth reading for Americans and will help to get informations about the candidates. According to this article, both candidates, Hillary Clinton and Donald trump, have regrets that they made in the past; three regrets of each candidates are referred. Hillary Clinton's stains are the issue of using private server as secretary of state, her support of the Iraq War, and her words about the Libyan casualties. While Donald Trump has three regret which are praising Putin, trashing generals, and military rape. By reading this with your insight, you may move forward to the presidential election even more wisely than before.

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